Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Windmills Of My Mind Will Power This Blog

I thought it might be nice to introduce myself and whatever purpose I might think I have in starting a blog, before I actually start posting actual columns or opinion pieces or whatever the shit I write here ends up being. My name is Paul, I am currently 44 years old, and to this point, that's the oldest I've been. I live in a very sleepy, dull suburb about 25 minutes East of Vancouver by car or light truck (as long as there are very few other cars and/or light trucks on the road) and I like to write about things, though you couldn't have gleaned that from my less than prodigious output. I live with a nice woman called Cheryl and we have produced a monstrous 17 year old male called Marlon, who currently outweighs me by about 20 pounds. I have a few sort of serious interests and the attention span of a 4 month old puppy, which has resulted in my knowing a little bit about a lot of things. Some of the things I love are music, movies, sports, and cooking. I fall somewhere near the middle politically, and can hear solid wisdom from both sides of the spectrum, and also solid bullshit in equal measure. Thus, the middle, give or take. I was born in Calgary and spent the better part of my childhood growing up in the wide open spaces east of the city, where a large part of me was formed, though I didn't fully realize it until I had been gone from there many years. I don't leave the house much, I have about half a dozen or so people who I stay in somewhat regular contact with, and I like it that way. I used to be more fond of people than I am now, but I haven't given up hope. As a matter of fact, I hope this will be a way to reach out in some small way, to offer the  world my thoughts and observations, to put it out there, as they say, and absorb any love or hate coming back this way as a means of helping to keep this whole tragicomic human existence deal moving along. So come back in a couple of days or a week or don't come back ever or just try to forget you even bothered to check in at all. I think I'm gonna do it anyway.